The Tonawanda Soccer Club is a non-profit organization entirely staffed and run by volunteers in the community. Our goal is to provide a safe opportunity for children of all backgrounds to play soccer, regardless of their financial status. As such, our prices are kept as low as possible to ensure that everyone who wants to has the opportunity to play. If you would like to help us with our mission, there are several ways which we could use your support.
Volunteer: Coaching: We are constantly looking for motivated and enthusiastic members to act as coaches for our various house and travel teams. Coaches must be at least 14 years of age, and can coach solo or with a friend/ partner as a team. Coaches are supported by the league, and are in charge of scheduling, planning, and running practices and running the games. Coaching is a great way to stay active and make a positive influence on the players on your team. Concessions: We are looking for parents/ community members to run our concession stand during game times. The concession stand is a great way to bring in revenue for the league so that we can continue to expand and serve our players. Other: If you have other skills/ services you would like to contribute, please reach out and talk to us about how you can help!
For information on all volunteer opportunities, please email [email protected]
Ref: If you are looking to get involved and wish to be compensated for your time, being a ref is a great way to serve the league and earn some extra cash. All refs are required to go through a training course and become certified as a ref.
For more information about reffing opportunities, please email [email protected] or visit
Sponsor Us: If you would like to help us financially or otherwise and would like to sponsor the league so that we can continue to expand and better serve our players, please email us at so that we can find a plan that works for you!